
Orders are shipped from Italy on business days via DHL Express Service.
Business days are Monday through Friday (excluding bank holidays in Italy).
Our delivery time varies depending on the destination of the country.
Our orders are packed and shipped within 1-2 business days.

Please note that weather, public holidays, peak shipping seasons, and incorrect delivery information can delay the shipment of your order. B.D. Baggies is unfortunately unable to control or reimburse issues related to any of the above.

B.D. Baggies ships to the following 36 countries:
The United Kingdom, Italy, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Andorra, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, San Marino, Switzerland, and Vatican City.
Unfortunately, we are unable to ship to countries other than those listed above.
All orders require a signature upon delivery.


The average shipping transit time is 2-7 business days depending on the country of destination.


All the shipments are provided by DHL Express Carrier. DHL On-Demand Delivery Service is provided without any additional cost to the customer, whenever it is granted by the Carrier.

Express free shipping is free for all the destination countries.

Prices are always VAT-included when shipping to countries belonging to the European Union and to the United Kingdom. For all the other countries (such as Norway, Switzerland, Iceland), additional costs for VAT and Custom Taxes will be collected by the carrier on the delivery.


You do not have to pay import taxes and/or duties if you receive your shipment at an address within the European Union or the United Kingdom.
If you receive a shipment in the UK, you are not required to pay any import taxes and/or duties.
However, you do pay VAT which is already included in the retail purchase price at the checkout. If you receive a shipment in any other extra EU country (such as Norway, Switzerland, or Iceland) you will be required to pay import taxes and/or duties.

Import taxes and duties will be collected directly by the DHL carrier upon delivery or with other methods based on the country of destination. It is the responsibility of the customer/recipient to pay.
As the recipient, the customer is the importer and must comply with all applicable laws and regulations.


Please note that our 2-year guarantee does not cover damage caused by mishandling via airline or third-party shipping companies. BD Baggies cannot be held responsible for items that are delivered to the wrong address, lost or stolen in transit, or otherwise delayed by third-party shipping companies, postal depots, freight forwarders, etc.